
Setup Firewall Builder to use Private Key

OS: CentOS 5.6
Firewall Builder Version: 4.1.3

Use Root to install Firewall Builder
Use GNOME to setup firewall rules and run by root
The user name that use for Firewall Builder is "fwUser", please create it, assign a password for it and generate SSH key for it.(Generate SSH Key please refer to other instruction for details)
SSH Private stored in "[HOME FOLDER]/cert"
SSH Private key file name is "fwUser.key"
  1. Install Firewall Builder from RPM files
  2. Create Firewall Rules
  3. Setup SSH Private Key, right click firewall name (under Firewalls folder), click "Edit"
  4. Firewall Properties dialog will show under the rules panel, click "Firewall Settings"
  5. Click "Installer" tab, update user name "fwUser", add "-i ~/cert/fwUser.key" to "Additional command line parameters for ssh" and "Additional command line parameters for scp"
  6. Save Firewall Builder, store the file in /etc/firewall, make sure user "fwUser" have read and write permission for this folder and files.
  7. Update /etc/sudoers, add "%fwUser ALL = /etc/firewall/[FILENAME].fw"
  8. Goto Firewall Builder click "Install"(on Toolbar)
  9. At "Install options" page enter Password, then click "Install", Finish
Change SSH Port Number
  1. Firewall Properties dialog will show under the rules panel, click "Firewall Settings"
  2. add "-p 23" to "Additional command line parameters for ssh" (Lowercase)
  3. add "-P 23" to "Additional command line parameters for scp" (Uppercase)