OS: CentOS 5.6
Firewall Builder Version: 4.1.3
Use Root to install Firewall Builder
Use GNOME to setup firewall rules and run by root
The user name that use for Firewall Builder is "fwUser", please create it, assign a password for it and generate SSH key for it.(Generate SSH Key please refer to other instruction for details)
SSH Private stored in "[HOME FOLDER]/cert"
SSH Private key file name is "fwUser.key"
- Install Firewall Builder from RPM files
- Create Firewall Rules
- Setup SSH Private Key, right click firewall name (under Firewalls folder), click "Edit"
- Firewall Properties dialog will show under the rules panel, click "Firewall Settings"
- Click "Installer" tab, update user name "fwUser", add "-i ~/cert/fwUser.key" to "Additional command line parameters for ssh" and "Additional command line parameters for scp"
- Save Firewall Builder, store the file in /etc/firewall, make sure user "fwUser" have read and write permission for this folder and files.
- Update /etc/sudoers, add "%fwUser ALL = /etc/firewall/[FILENAME].fw"
- Goto Firewall Builder click "Install"(on Toolbar)
- At "Install options" page enter Password, then click "Install", Finish
Change SSH Port Number
- Firewall Properties dialog will show under the rules panel, click "Firewall Settings"
- add "-p 23" to "Additional command line parameters for ssh" (Lowercase)
- add "-P 23" to "Additional command line parameters for scp" (Uppercase)